Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Fourth of July!!

Little late with the 4th of July post huh? Better late, then say never! This is the front door, with fun shapes and colors, of the season. I got all of them last year at the Dollar Tree. A few of them , I didn't like the colors, so I spray painted them.

The three stars, I found last winter at, where else? Goodwill. The big one was $5.00, but I thought worth it, for what I was planning on doing with it! So the three stars were also spray painted, they had a Oriental look to them before their make-over.

Oh yeah, missed some of that one on the right with the ole spray can...sorry!

The bunting on the left I made. Because I spent A LOT on the ones from the "regular" store, you know, the store where you pay FULL retail price? Last fall, I found a king size dust ruffle in ...yeah, Goodwill, $2.00, and on another trip there, I found the red material . It was just about 2yards of material. I carefully cut the blue dust ruffle ,leaving the white material, that would have gone under the bed, as part of the , red, white and blue! The material was $1.00. So I've got $3.00 in each one, and it made three buntings for me! Now the one on the right, was at a garage sale for a $1.00, and they had 2 of them. So...$8.00 later I had 5 flags that somewhat matched. I did put them together with the blue at the top, so all the red would be on the bottom, and it would look more uniformed. But it's always easier in my head. Since the ruffle part was on the blue part, not red, it just worked better that way....

The flag on the far right, would not stay up. I tried EVERYTHING. Then my wonderful husband got out his drill, and got it to stay with 3 screws, he was SO proud of himself....Ok, that's all fine and dandy, but with a VERY puzzled look I ask, " ummm, babe how am I going to get that down? I don't want it up thou Christmas". His response? "Oh....." pondered, walked around, comes back to the front porch, and announces,  "Well I happen to think it would look good for Christmas, you are ALWAYS changing your colors, lets have red,white and blue theme this year!" NOT.......

This is Ellison,our niece, she came to spend a few days with us, because their house has been without power for a week now. She lives in Columbus, and they've had some BAD storms, that left everyone without power..... So she  came to "vacation" with her Aunt Kris and Uncle Steve..
Ivy and Poison Ivy.....

The flags on the line, I found in Florida this winter at Goodwill.  I didn't know what I was going to do with them, but I knew I'd find a place for them!

So here is what $22.00 gets you at Walmart. Three buntings.......

Another $20.00....

And all the little flags were collected over the last year. When Dollar General had their end of the season clearance sale, I bought them all, I think they were 25 cents each....

On a personal side, here's Ellie again, and my Grandma,we call her Mimi, and her Great Grandmother. They share the same summer time birthday! She will be 7 and Mimi will be 93!!! Hope I look this good at 73! They are both waiting for the hamburgers to be done grilling! 

And here's my youngest grandson, Riggs, 10 months a few days ago! Oh yea, and my oldest son Craig! I used to take him in the water, exactly the same way he takes his son now.....time flies...

And I saved the best for last! My oldest grandson Jackson, I don't know if he swam or fished more this July 4th Holiday!

Happy fourth of July everyone! I hope everyone took a few minutes, to remember why we celebrate this holiday,and how lucky we are to live in AMERICA!
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