Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A lil Halloween 2010

 Here's last years enterance. The wreath is grapevine (20 years old), covered with "close out" priced raffia ($.39 each), and one boa, that was a $1.00 at the Dollar Tree.And...drumroll please....the stand in the left of the picture was a Goodwill splurge...$35.00 BUT I had my 20% off card so it was all of $28.00!!!!YEA!!! It's an old outside menu stand. Lift up the top and put in a downloaded message for that partictcular holiday!!
 I just cut out these bats with construction paper and hung them with fishing line (great idea...til spring comes, and your oh so supportive husband, can't find his line...oooppppsss!)
 Love her! Yea, bought her back in the good ole days, before I discovered Goodwill...the black frame with the pumkin in it, is really a piece of art work from my son Craig back when he was in second grade...He's a dad himself now...
 Breakfast nook,WallyWorld "happy halloween"sign, and on the shelf is old halloween pictures of the kids.
 I really loved the effects of this big single crow, landing ...
 Our butler...with "what was I thinking purple table covering?" wow...

 These french doors lead into dining room, from this side, it's a walk around enclosed porch. Note in the following posts, that I used these lights again, just in a differenat room....
 Displays...the ghost is from when my son Clark was four, and the witch dress is the first (and last) costume I made for my daughter...The simplest things, I think make great decorating displays..
 This is other end of enclosed porch.That's just tissue paper,left over from the year before, and just laid over some string.
 Other end of porch, with another set of french doors.The SPOOKY sign is right there to the left of doors.
And I bought this old church hymn sign years ago...I didn't know what I was going to do with it when I bought it, but it found a home in the dining room ...These are just old vintage postcards downloaded, and embellished  with glitter. At Christmas and Easter, I put in old photos of my grandmother, mother, and me~
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