Monday, October 17, 2011

Well Hello!

Today is a big day for me! And there are a few reasons for me why it is . Today is my first day, on my new blog! I love firsts, don't you? The thrill of not knowing what will happen....That first moment that you've been thinking of ( or dreaming of...), I think only the lucky few, are brave enough not to fear. Which really means, putting off something that you really want to do. AND WHY IS THAT? Is it because, we are afraid of failing? Scared no one will care, (in my case no one will care what I'm writing about)? Falling flat on our faces? Well that's very  funny because,  in the wide scope of life....who really cares? If we can't take chances or (good) risks, then we have to ask ourselves, are we really living? Are we living to our full potential? I think , no would be the correct answer! I met a young woman a few months ago. She was very excited about moving out of state , to start an internship for college. As time approached for her to leave, she got scared of leaving her comfort zone. Now , I only knew her on a very limited basis ( OK, she was the clerk at Goodwill), without even hesitating, I told her ," You don't grow if you stay the same. Pushing ourselves out of our fear, and being scared are what makes us grow." I'll never forget the look of surprise and excitement, as the light bulb went off in her head, she smiled the biggest smile, I'd ever seen on her, agreeing with me. I wished her luck, as she wished me a blessed life. Now, if I can give that advise, I think, I should be able to follow it, don' t  you think so?

The other reason, this is a big day for me , is my oldest son turns 22 , today. I remember, that like it was yesterday! I was all excited about that too....until I got home with him, and started fearing....well everything. Mostly, was I ever going to sleep more then two hours at a time. Happy to report that yes, it took about three and a half years, but I finally got to sleep a little more! And I can't say every moment was a hallmark moment with him, but I can tell you , that he is a wonderful son, an awesome father, and a loving part of our family. ...happy birthday, Craig!

There have been soooooo many fearful times, in my life. I have really been my worst enemy. So, as of today, I'm done being afraid. I'm leaving my fear behind. If I  could raise two sons, and be a step mom to a daughter, start a few businesses, and give out advise to virtual strangers, not to mention a ton of other things....I too, can step out of fear's shadows.......Ready or not blogging land, here I come!
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