Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dining Room 2012

We are continuing today with the Dining Room. I always have a tree in here, but we now have a very active fifteen month old grandson, Riggs. I decided that for his well being,  my sanity, I would fore go the 9ft grand tree in here, and put it on the porch, this way, we could all see it. Riggs can stand there in front of it, and say "ball" to his hearts content (one of his FAVORITE words), and I don't constantly have to be  saying "no", (NOT my favorite word)!!

My favorite things in here, the pink tulle, which was purchased at Goodwill, I think 7 yards for $3.00, and the balls hanging from the ceiling.

 All the balls (including, the others on the roping etc) were red....yep, I painted them all. At first I painted them, let them dry, spray glue adhesive, on the ornament, and then glitter it. It took about four of them, and the light bulb went off, duh, the paint is wet, things stick to wet paint...mmmmmm....yes, it worked. I was able to cut out a step, and cut my work time in half. And seeing as I was repainting TONS of ornaments, it was a welcomed a ha moment! The string was simply thumb tacked into the ceiling and the bow tied around it.

And here's the tree from inside the Dining Room, looking out on to the porch. Its really very simple, and I think it fits the space, perfect this year. I painted these ornaments also. I was getting SO tired of painting, I went to several stores, Dollar General , Dollar Tree , etc, to just buy some blue and pink ones. First, I couldn't really find the right shades that I was looking for, and when I did, all I could kept thinking was, " I love the ones I've been making, plus they don't look like every other ornament". So short of free, I just couldn't make myself buy  more....so a painting I went.....

Every one thinks I made the branches, I'd like to take full credit for them, but no, I didn't make them, I purchased them at a garage sale this past spring. Which proves, it's never too early to be thinking of Christmas. The last point, I'd like to bring up is, this: like I said yesterday, when you pick your colors, follow through with it....  Do you find things in the summer, that you know, will be great for Christmas?  Don't forget to stop in tomorrow, I'll be showing the porch....Thank you for stopping by!
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