Friday, February 24, 2012

The Prince and his Pack-n-Play

This is our newest addition to our family, our grandson,  Riggs James. He was born to our oldest son, Craig and Tiffany, in August of 2011. He joined his big brother, Jackson, who loves his little brother to the ends of the earth!
You are probably asking yourself ,why there is a picture of Riggs on Johnnycake Junk  Blog...(besides I've been dying to post his picture)....

And what does this have to do with it all? Well as most of you know, someone with little time, not enough sleep, and too many obligations, needs to make a slipcover for a Pack-n-Play. My sister, Kylan picked this up for me, at her local thrift store...I think $35.00ish? Anyway, when I got it home, I wasn't crazy about the color of it, but I'm stuck with it right? That's what I thought. One night after I put Riggs down (he spends a couple nights a week with us, because his mom graduated from Nursing school while is was pregnant with him...yea Tiffany!!...and now works nights) just came to me!! I don't have to live with an unattracvite crib! And Riggs doesn't DESERVE to sleep in something that just doesn't go with anything. He needs something as beautiful ,and calm and peaceful as he is...So...

What do you think? Prince Rigg's new Pack n Play...
Of coarse, off to GW I went, and on my first trip after my idea came to me, I found the perfect sheet set.It was a full size fitted sheet that I draped over the larger ends of the PnP.
This is the view looking down in to it. I used safety pins to hold it,.... while I thought.... I didn't really have a plan, or a pattern...does anyone really go to the trouble of thinking or planning something out? That  seems really time consuming to me, and a BIG waste of time!!UUMMM, maybe that explains a lot about! Anyhow...I did place the "fold up",or the bottom, part of the crib over the sheet , so that would secure the fitted sheet in place.

Then I took the flat part of the sheet, folded it in half and cut it , as shown. I then just took the sheet, sewed the long ends together, so I had one long continous piece of fabric. After I gathered it with ...Oh who am I kidding, I gathered it up in my hand, pinning it to the fitted sheet, and with a few adjustments with the pinning, sewing on the wrong side, so you couldn't see seems. No it's not perfect, but it took me an hour and a half and $3.00 total at GW! So for under $40.00 dollors, I have a "crib" I can move anywhere, and if it gets dirty, I can throw it in the washing machine. I picked this color, because it will work in ANY room of our home. And I'm quite sure my little Price Riggs will sleep more peacefully in his Pack-n-Play..OK, again, big laugh,  I'LL sleep better, now that it's not ugly (no offivsie to Pack-n-Play's across America!)...Let me know what you think...
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Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Shoe Fits

SO....I was visiting my sister, Kylan, who lives about two hours away....and what should I see in my niece, Ellison's bedroom for Valentine's Day? A shoe covered all over with  petals from a flower !!! HAD to have one!!  Ya, well she'd purchased it from Home Goods, six weeks prior to my visit. Do you think any Home Goods Stores in four counties had any left???   NO!....Armed with a vision, I went to our local GW. Guess what I found? You know it...

That's right! A pair of Nine West pink pumps!!! I couldn't believe it, what serendipity!! Now, I personally would've love these shoes, even if I weren't looking for a Valentines project. And wait...I had passed up this cute little box with  PINK, that's right Pink roses!!  I don't think I've ever wheeled my cart so fast back to the other side of the store, I had to get  the flowers....Thank God no one else had come to the store for pink roses, and a pair of bright pink fake alligator, Nine West, size  6 1/2 heels!!!...

So all I did was rip, I mean gently remove the roses , from their stems, and used the ol' hot glue all over the front tip of the shoe. I then wondered what I should do with the rest of the shoe. The petals were just staring at me, so I hot glued them to the rest of the shoe. **Side Note** I did run out of roses...So I did have to buy (close your eyes) RETAIL  roses.. But they were 50% off at Hobby Lobby. But when I showed my best buddy Brenda the shoe, before we went into the store, I asked her if she like it...Her response was minimal at best. Upon further interrogation, she stated that they were "OK, but where are you going to wear them?" SERIOUSLY!!! She was very relied that I assured her they were a Valentine's Project!! So the total cost of my Pink Rose Shoes...Shoes...$3.00/pr (so $1.50 for the one shoe), $1.50 for the Roses and Stems, $2.50 for additional roses @Hobby Lobby=$5.50...The time I spent with my sister and bestie....priceless...

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Just add Ribbon

The little X's and O's are from a garage sale, late last spring. You always have to be thinking ahead!

On top of the cake plate is , "candy" which is really candles, that I got at GW for $1.25, and some red lights were put into an old jar....

I've been collecting vintage Valentine's Candy Boxes for the last several years and long with Valentine Cookie Cutters

Isn't she pretty....just add ribbon...and ready to entertain.
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This is the view when you walk into the kitchen. Just a touch of Valentine's...
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The Close Up

This is just a glass hurricane, place upside down on an old glass pedestal, with some blocks, and misc. roping...

.....and a crown to top it off....

Here are the "crowns" before, I hacked off the bottoms of them. They were originally candle holders....
So lets add up what was spent on this corner of the kitchen. Glass Hurricane $5.00 (GW), 3 Crowns $ .75 (GW), Blocks and Roping $ .25 (garage sale), Old Cake Stand $3.00 (GW),Old plates $3.00(estate sale) for all of them = $12.00! Come on, you can't even go to HomeGoods and get on piece of this display for $12.00....I'm just saying.....
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