Friday, July 27, 2012

Christmas in July... 2010

So here we are, Christmas 2010...Mr. Deer is still here, but I've add some "snow". And I think my mantel scape is getting better....The change in curtains is a much needed improvement....

The same pencil tree as the year before, except, I put it in an urn...helps with the height problem, from the year before.

Pictures are arranged diffferently also.

This is looking from the Den out into the Parlor....

Front steps, off of the Parlor

Looking down, from the top of the steps.

This is the top railing on the second floor.

Dining Room...some of the furnature has been rearranged, from the Christmas before...

You, really notice, everything thats crooked, when you look at the photos....

Note, way more roping, and deocorations on the tree then last year...and a new chandelier! The one that was here, I had moved into the Breakfast Nook. Scored this at the last day of a tag sale, for 1/2 off....

From the slipcovers, to the chairs, to the pictures on the walls....all collected through the summer months, at garage sales...


Here's where things take a little turn...I didn't even take pictures of the Breakfast Nook , last year, because there wasn't that much to show....

Built in's , in the Breakfast Nook...

Back's different then the Christmas of '09...

Down Bathroom

Excuse the empty T.P. roll, and the spray bottle on the floor. I'm going to get better at this photo taking thing....

Game Room

Game Room

Here's another change, this is the Media Room, which is at the top of the back steps, I hadn't done, anything up here, the year before either....

I made this Santa and painted myself, in 1989....But....

The details to Santa weren't this impressive, til I had Catie, the girl who did my witch , give him the details, he deserved. She is SUCH an AWESOME artist...I can't wait to see where she goes with her talents. So when she becomes famous, I'm excited  that I have a few of her paintings. I'm sure you have a talented artist in your community! Use them, it's a win win for everyone.

And here's another spot where, I got to decorate more then the year before. This is the side door, to the wrap a round porch.

And yes sir, I climbed the ladder myself, and hung all of the wreaths by MYSELF!!!!

Front door

Front door, looking into the enclosed wrap a round porch.

The view from the other side of the french doors...

This is looking down from the dining table out on the porch, the french door to the right, leads into the Dining Room. The sled to the left, was my mother, and her sisters, when she was growing up. My Aunt Martha had it, and gave it to me, when we moved! I love to have things like this....!!!

These french doors, open into the Dining Room.

Now , here's were it's really different from before...This is a bedroom, that I had in the year before, done nothing to....

And our bedroom....

This is our daughters room. She's  a grown woman now, but she picked the color....not what I would have picked, but all the kids got to pick what they wanted. See the teal ish color in the bottom right hand corner, well the whole room was this color.Too, too, too much for me. So I painted the one wall white, and covered the other wall in green curtains, and left the other two walls alone....


I didn't do anything to this upstairs Bathroom last year either. This room is right off of, the room before this photo. In fact you have to go through another set of french doors , to get to the bathroom.

...And there you have the Christmas in July 2010 tour. I'd say I added about 50ish storage bins, that year....and yet again, I was VERY impressed with, how much I had decorated. Then I look back on these photos, and think, what was I thinking? I didn' t  take all of these pictures for my blog. At the time, I hadn't even started blogging. I just always take a lot of pictures, so I can study them, so that I can improve the following year...I try anyway!
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